18,000 Scots Killed in Defense…

…of the Solemn League and Covenant, 1660-1688.  Presbyterian in name, closer to Baptist in belief.  Saxon (actually French) in blood, not Celt.  [Remember they are a mixed people.]

These Scots pledged themselves to stand firm in their religious belief (that stretched back to 1560 and earlier) and to stand together in defense of their Covenant with each other and their God.

England severely taxed them.  Declared their marriages illegal.  Branded their children bastards who could not inherit.  Revoked their voting rights.  Seized their lands.  Not just once in Scotland–again, all over again in Ireland:

After the Scots were invited to colonize in Ireland and offered settlers’ perks, one again the government changed.  The Church of England was strengthened, given greater  jurisdiction over distribution of estates, and enforcement  over infractions of Church worship.  What had been, for a short while, a friendly environment became hostile.  The penal laws were once again imposed with a vengeance.  And the Scots-Irish set sail for a new and better life in America.

2013 is the 400th Anniversary of the planting of Scottish Presbyterianism in Ireland.  The Reverend Edward Brice was the first Presbyterian minister to settle in Ireland–at Ballycarry, County Antrim.  2013 is also the 250th Anniversary of the Irish Reformed Presbyterian (Convenanter) Church of Ireland.  http://www.ancestryireland.com

Stay tuned for more details in the Scots-Irish saga–these ancestors are an amazing heritage!  Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle    http://arleneeakle.com

PS  Remember that I am speaking on the Scots-Irish at the Colorado Family History Expo, 2-3 August 2013 in Colorado Springs.  If you aren’t yet registered, you will want to check it out.  The full program is posted at http://familyhistoryexpos.com



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