One Hundred Years of Irish History in America–Emigrant Savings Bank, 1841-1945

Kevin J. Rich transcribed and edited two volumes of the Irish Emigrants of the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, 1850-1853. The original records were deposited with the New York Public Library, Center for the Humanities, Manuscripts and Manuscripts Division some time ago. Volume One–Test Book, account numbers 1-2500. Volume Two–Test Book, account numbers 2501-7500.

These volumes really excited the professional genealogists when they arrived at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City UT. Wow! We now had access to the names and identifying information for each depositor–which included the mother’s maiden name for many of the accounts.

Double WOW! The Family History Library has microfilmed, on 23 reels of film, the Test  Books #1-169,999 accounts. And the Signature Books. And the Deposit Account Ledgers. And the Bond and Mortgage Ledgers, with index to names and index to streets. And the minutes and accounts of the Board of Trustees of the Irish Emigrant Society, 1841-1922. And the Real Estate Loans, 1902-1921. And Miscellaneous Papers, 1842-1943.

Family History Library, microfilm #2196278-300. Includes: account number, date, name of depositor, occupation, residence, marital status, country of nativity, family members and relatives, and other remarks. Over one hundred years of Irish history in America–1841-1945. Double Wow!

When I get discouraged and wonder if I am ever going to find your hard-to-find ancestors, I read the Family History Library Catalog! And I always discover new possibilities. Look, 1841-1945 includes the Famine Immigrants. Records created in America to document those who often left no record in Ireland! Things can’t get much better than this.

If you have famine Irish, run to your nearest center and begin to search. Start with the indexed stuff and go on from there. Your favorite Scots-Irish genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS Good news on a very wintry, snowy day in Utah. Stay tuned for more good news.


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