The Scots-Irish–“We are a mixed people.” Launching 27 Feb 2013!

Watch this blog page–27 Feb 2013, The Scots-Irish–“We are a mixed people.” Charles Woodmason, “An Account of the Churches in SC, GA, NC, FL,”  Carolina Backcountry on the Eve of the American Revolution, 1767.  (Printed by North Carolina University Press, 1953), p. 6.

This is one of my most anticipated projects–The Scots-Irish.

__These ancestors are unique.

__These ancestors are a “mixed medley” of people.

__These ancestors are not a homogenized group–easily researched.

__These ancestors will require of you all the research skill and effort you have to give.  And then some.

Scholars who have studied the Scots-Irish historically and socially do not agree on who they are or where they originate.  And while there are some very good genealogies, the genealogists do not agree either.

Tune in 27 Feb 2013 for our initial post and following posts as we examine WHO they are.  WHAT they are called in the genealogy records.  WHERE they originate.  WHICH records provide best evidence.

Just remember what they said about themselves–“We are a mixed people.” Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle (English, some Scottish, mostly Welsh, hopefully a little bit of Irish–with no American ancestry beyond 1850)

PS  My highly specialized research library supplemented by the Family History Library,, and all the genealogy sections in libraries across this country point the way.  However, it will be the actual documents that will dictate our core evidence.

PPS  My New Year’s Resolution for 2013 is to spend every other day learning more about how to use my computer to teach and share what I know and what I am studying.  So far, so good.  And I take lessons on how to do it for 2-3 hours every Monday evening.  As I become more adept at scanning images–they will appear on this blog.  And in my seminar and Expo presentations in 2013.  I invite you to stay tuned to this and my other blogs.  I hope you will attend genealogy events where I am speaking.  This is a year you won’t soon forget!


About admin

Professional genealogist
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